The Indie Author Fringe Event - London Book Fair

For any writers who are interested in a little fun, last weekend I participated in a recorded video for the Indie Author Fringe Event at the London Book Fair. The subject was 'The better way to write a book: Plotter or Pantser' ... this refers to writers who plot out their books in advance as against those who fly by the seat of their pants. The link to the video is here, and if you're a writer you should definitely look out some of the other events at the fringe - they're a great resource of information and advice:
Any book lover would find the London Book Fair, which I visited last week, to be an incredible thrill! The wide variety of writers and publishers highlighted the vibrant literary scene. In addition, I couldn't help but see how important branding is to the publishing sector. As a student looking into Branding Dissertation Topics , the exhibition gave insightful information about how publishers market and position their books effectively. It's amazing to observe how branding is essential in forming the perception of literary works.